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42nd Meeting - Montreal, March-April 2004

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42nd Meeting - Montreal, March-April 2004

42nd Meeting - Montreal, March-April 2004

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Subgroup on Production Sector
The Executive Committee decided to reconstitute the Subgroup on the Production Sector with the following composition:  Bangladesh, Canada (facilitator), China, Cuba, Japan, Mauritius, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America
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Status Of Contributions And Disbursements
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To note with appreciation the Treasurer’s report, including the tables showing the updated status of the Fund as at 26 March 2004 and reproduced in Annex I to the present report;
(b) Also to note the new information provided by the Treasurer on the gains and losses resulting from the fixed exchange rate mechanism;
(c) To request the Treasurer to break down the information on gains and losses resulting from the fixed exchange rate mechanism by country and to include it in a separate column of the relevant table in future reports;
(d) To note with appreciation the updated information on the status of payments provided by number of countries during the Meeting;
(e) To urge those Parties that had not yet done so to make their contributions in a timely manner; and
(f) To urge Parties with contributions that were long overdue to comply with paragraph 7 of Decision XI/7 of the Eleventh Meeting of the Parties
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Financial planning (including the funding window and status of forward commitments)
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To note the report on financial planning as contained in documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/4 and Corrs.1 and 2;
(b) To adopt a resource allocation of US $237 million for 2004 and US $178 million for 2005, with any remaining funds from 2004 to be allocated to 2005;
(c) To note that all projects in the bilateral and implementing agencies’ 2004 business plans for accelerating phase-out and maintaining momentum could be considered for funding in 2004;
(d) To request the Secretariat, in consultation with bilateral and implementing agencies, to prepare a paper for submission to the 44th Meeting of the Executive Committee, analysing the potential need for projects to accelerate phase-out and maintain momentum, and to provide guidance on the need for a funding window to consider such projects; and
(e) To consider at its 44th Meeting the possible need for a funding window to accelerate phase-out and maintain momentum, as well as any related criteria for the selection of projects to be funded through that window.
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Three-year phase-out plan 2004-2006
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To note that the draft model three-year phase-out plan 2004-2006 presented in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/5 had been used as the reference for the preparation of the 2004-2006 business plans of the implementing agencies;

(b) To adopt the model three-year phase-out plan 2004-2006 as a reference for resource planning for the corresponding triennium;

(c) To urge Article 5 countries with projects approved but not implemented and the cooperating implementing and bilateral agencies to accelerate the pace of implementation during the 2004-2006 triennium; and

(d) To request the Secretariat to present an updated model three-year rolling phase out plan for the years 2005-2007 to the first meeting of the Executive Committee in 2005 in order to provide guidance, as appropriate, for the preparation of the 2005-2007 business plan of the Multilateral Fund.
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Consolidated 2004-2006 business plan of the Multilateral Fund
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To note the consolidated 2004-2006 business plan of the Multilateral Fund as contained in UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/6 and Corr.1;
(b) To invite Executive Committee members to submit proposals on qualitative performance indicators to the Secretariat by 31 July 2004;
(c) To request the implementing agencies and the Secretariat to consider further the proposals on qualitative performance indicators, taking into account any proposals received from Executive Committee members, and to report thereon to the 44th Meeting of the Executive Committee; and
(d) Also to request the Secretariat to present the development over time of the performance indicators for each implementing agency, in the consolidated business plan, to enable comparison and evaluation of their performances.
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2004-2006 business plans: Bilateral agencies
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To note with appreciation the business plans and letters on bilateral cooperation submitted by: Canada, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States of America as addressed in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/7;

(b) Also to note the withdrawal by Hungary of its business plan, which included funding for the European Network;

(c) To note with appreciation the significant support for the European Network provided by the Czech Republic, Hungary and the Slovak Republic;

(d) To request the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic to withdraw their business plans, which included funding for the European Network, as UNEP had incorporated the Network into its funding requests for its Compliance Assistance Programme (CAP);

(e) Further to note the statement made by the representative of Japan with respect to the activities proposed and to maintain them in the business plan of Japan; and

(f) In the case of multiyear projects which would result in forward commitments into the next replenishment period, to request bilateral agencies to establish arrangements such as agreements with other implementing and bilateral agencies that were in a position to do so, which would ensure that the project received the full funding approved.
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Study on HCFC use in China
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To request the Government of Germany to take into account the views expressed on the eligibility of funding HCFC phase-out management studies by the Multilateral Fund at the 42nd Meeting of the Executive Committee, in the informal group meeting and, in addition, further submissions of additional ideas and opinions sent by e-mail to GTZ-Proklima, as the German bilateral implementing agency, provided that they were received 10 weeks prior to the 43rd Meeting of the Executive Committee; and

(b) Also to request the Government of Germany to circulate to the Executive Committee, through the United Kingdom delegation, a policy paper on the issues of the responsibility of the Multilateral Fund and potential eligibility requirements for such a study and to reformulate the project proposal for submission and consideration at the 43rd Meeting of the Executive Committee on that basis.

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2004-2006 business plans: UNDP
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To endorse the 2004-2006 business plan of UNDP, as contained in documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/8 and Corr.1 and as orally amended to include a possible project for Cuba, while noting that endorsement did not denote approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding levels; and
(b) To approve the performance indicators for UNDP, as contained in Annex II to the present report.
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2004-2006 business plans: UNEP
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To endorse the 2004-2006 business plan of UNEP as contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/9 and as orally amended to include the projects already submitted for Bangladesh and a non-governmental organization methyl bromide project, while noting that endorsement did not denote approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding levels; and

(b) To approve the performance indicators for UNEP, as contained in Annex III to the present report.
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2004-2006 business plans: UNIDO

The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To endorse the 2004-2006 business plan of UNIDO, as contained in documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/10 and Corrs.1 and 2 and as orally amended, to bring forward the Serbia and Montenegro project from 2005, modify the phase-out in the MDI and RMP projects in China and remove the methyl bromide project in Viet Nam, taking into account the clarification provided by the representative of UNIDO, while noting that endorsement did not denote approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding levels; and

(b) To approve the performance indicators for UNIDO, as contained in Annex IV to the present report.

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2004-2006 business plans: World Bank
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To endorse the 2004–2006 business plan of the World Bank, as contained in documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/11 and Corrs. 1 and 2, with the withdrawal of planned chiller projects in Argentina and Mexico, whose implementation by the World Bank would be subsumed into those countries’ national implementation plans, as well as the withdrawal of the accelerated CTC production phase-out project in China, while noting that endorsement did not denote approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding levels; and

(b) To approve the performance indicators for the World Bank, as contained in Annex V to the present report.
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Report on the intermediate evaluation of CFC production sector phase-out agreements
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To take note of the findings and recommendations in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/12;
(b) To clarify that, although the phase out agreement defines the maximum allowable CFC production in China in metric tonnes (MT), this production should continue to be planned and verified in ODP tonnes, as calculated in the original sector plan and the subsequent annual work programmes and verification reports;
(c) To request the Government of India, in cooperation with the World Bank, to plan and verify allowable CFC production in India as so-called gross production, to review the calculations made to establish the baseline for the agreement, and to report to the 43rd Meeting of the Executive Committee on their findings;
(d) To request the Governments of China and India to clarify, in cooperation with the Ozone Secretariat, the World Bank and the Fund Secretariat, differences in CFC production data reported under Article 7 to the Ozone Secretariat and in the verification reports;
(e) To request the Secretariat, in cooperation with the World Bank and UNIDO, to review the verification guidelines adopted by the 32nd Meeting of the Executive Committee, with respect to the following;
(i) How to include movements of CTC to and from CFC producers and internal transfers of CTC in CFC-producing companies in the verification reports, annual progress reports and work programmes, in view of the intense pressure on CTC management in the enterprises as a result of the phase–out of CFC-11 and CFC-12; 
(ii) For countries with CFC and CTC production sector phase-out agreements (China and India), the verification missions should be closely coordinated and possibly be merged;
(iii) Where plants co-produce CFC-11 and CFC-12, it might be necessary to determine whether the practice of counting unit ratios of CTC and AHF and comparing them with previous years was needed;
(iv) Whether the inspection and verification of the daily log books should continue to serve mainly as a back-up to clarify inconsistencies observed;
(v) Whether reported measurements of CFC production should be rounded to the nearest 100 kg and then compared to the more accurate financial and sales records;
(f) To request the World Bank and the Governments of China and India to revise the presentation of technical assistance activities in future annual reports and work programmes for the CFC production sector by:

(i) Showing separately activities to maintain the national administrative infrastructure to manage the process, activities for awareness-building, and technical advice of direct interest to the enterprises (either individually or collectively);
(ii) Specifying clearly the objectives, related outputs and inputs including planned and actual expenditures; and

(g) To recommend that the Governments of China and India, in cooperation with the World Bank, consider the recommendations presented in paragraphs 14 and 15 of document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/12, amending subparagraph 15(b) to read as follows: “(b) Conducting market research into the evolution of global markets for products made using CTC as feedstock to complement the research efforts and guide the investment of enterprises taking into consideration all environmental effects of manufacturing such end-products, including interlinkages between ozone layer depletion and climate change”.
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Intermediate evaluation of the solvent sector phase-out plan in China
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To take note of the information provided in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/13; and
(b) To recommend that the Government of China, in cooperation with UNDP, consider the recommendations presented in paragraph 13 of document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/13.
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Implementation of approved projects with specific reporting requirements
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To adopt the following modification to the methyl bromide phase-out schedule for Guatemala as proposed in Decision 38/42(b): the phase-out schedule would achieve a total reduction in consumption of 502.6 ODP tonnes by 2008; of that amount, 100 ODP tonnes would be reduced by non-Article 5 companies.  Furthermore, 181.4 ODP tonnes would be reduced in 2003, 36 ODP tonnes in 2004, 132 ODP tonnes in 2005, 25 ODP tonnes in 2006, 25 ODP tonnes in 2007, and an additional 24 ODP tonnes in 2008, in order to enable Guatemala to meet the methyl bromide freeze and the 20 per cent reduction targets in 2005 and 2007, respectively;
(b) To note that the phase-out of methyl bromide in Guatemala would be achieved within the funding level approved by the Executive Committee at its 38th Meeting, and to commend the Government of Guatemala for its efforts in that regard; and
(c) To adopt the following modification to the methyl bromide phase-out schedule for Honduras as proposed in Decision 37/50:  the phase-out schedule would achieve a total reduction in consumption of 213 ODP tonnes by the end of 2005.  Furthermore, 42.5 ODP tonnes would be reduced in the calendar year 2003, 63.9 ODP tonnes in 2004 and an additional 106.6 ODP tonnes in 2005, in order to enable Honduras to meet the methyl bromide freeze and the 20 per cent reduction target by the end of 2005. 
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Project cancellations and project implementation delays
the Executive Committee decided:
(a) To note with appreciation the reports submitted to the Secretariat on projects with implementation delays provided by Belgium, Canada, Germany and the four implementing agencies, as contained in the document on project implementation delays (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/15);
(b) To request the Government of France to provide reports on the projects classified with implementation delays as a matter of urgency;
(c) To note that the Secretariat and the implementing agencies would take established actions according to the Secretariat’s assessment of status, i.e., progress, some progress, or no progress, and report and notify governments and implementing agencies as required;
(d) To adopt the milestones and deadlines indicated in the following table:
(e) To note the completion of the following projects reported during the Meeting, in addition to the 20 projects reported in the document on implementation delays presented by the Secretariat:
(i) Preparation of an inventory and assessment of environmentally-sound and economically-viable technologies and know-how conducive to phase-out of ODS (GLO/SEV/19/TAS/106), implemented by UNEP;
(ii) Phase-out of the remaining ODS consumption in the foam sector (11 enterprises) (EGY/FOA/22/INV/64), implemented by UNDP;
(f) Also to note that the project for training modules on management of ODS phase out in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (GLO/SEV/19/TAS/112), implemented by UNEP, would be completed by 1 April 2005;

(g) Further to note that the milestones had been met and therefore progress had been made on the following projects:

(i) Elimination of CFCs in the manufacture of commercial refrigeration equipment at Refrigeration Components and Accessories (IND/REF/22/INV/110), implemented by the World Bank;
(ii) Elimination of CFCs in the manufacture of commercial refrigeration equipment at Hindustan Refrigeration Industries (IND/REF/22/INV/123), implemented by the World Bank;
(iii) Elimination of CFCs in the manufacture of commercial refrigeration equipment at Refrigerators and Home Appliances P. Ltd. (IND/REF/22/INV/124), implemented by the World Bank;
(h) To note the automatic cancellation of the following projects:

(i) The Chandra refrigeration project in India (IND/REF/19/INV/92), where US $66,787 had been disbursed of the US $130,984 approved for the project and 4.8 ODP tonnes had been assigned as phase-out pursuant to Decision 39/13(b);
(ii) The conversion from CFC-11 to HCFC-141b technology in the manufacture of rigid polyurethane foam at Quimica Andina (BOL/FOA/28/INV/10) with no phase-out; and
(i) With regard to the Moroccan LCD projects:
(i) To note with appreciation the efforts made by UNDP, the Secretariat, the Ministry of Industries, Commerce and Telecommunications (MICT) and all other stakeholders in trying to reach an agreement;
(ii) To take note of the report of UNDP against the background of the information provided in paragraphs 12 (bis) to 12 (quin) of document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/15/Add.1;
(iii) That the proposed agreement mentioned in paragraph 12 (qua) of document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/15/Add.1 could be considered on an exceptional basis as a suitable way of continuing the implementation of the projects, on condition that each company signed the agreement by 15 April 2004;
(iv) To request the Chief Officer to send a letter to the Government of Morocco notifying it of the need to implement the projects;
(v) That, in the event the agreement remained unsigned by any or all of the companies by 15 April 2004, the projects would automatically be cancelled;
(vi) To request UNDP to submit a status report with the necessary explanations to the Executive Committee at its 43rd Meeting.

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Completed projects with balances
The  Executive Committee decided:

(a) To note both the level of funds being returned to the 42nd Meeting against project balances totalling US $2,574,926: UNDP - US $526,643 including reimbursement of funds previously returned in error for two projects; UNIDO - US $1,048,283; and the World Bank - US $1,000,000; and additionally the return of support costs totalling US $280,891: UNDP - US $68,463 including reimbursement of support costs previously returned in error for two projects; UNIDO - US $117,428; and the World Bank - US $95,000; and

(b) Also to note that implementing agencies had balances totalling US $513,207 excluding support costs from projects completed over two years previously:  UNDP - US $388,882 plus support costs; UNEP - US $33,857 plus support costs; and the World Bank - US $90,468 plus support costs.
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Support for data reporting in Article 5 countries
The Executive Committee decided to urge implementing and bilateral agencies to provide all assistance possible to countries for which they were implementing institutional strengthening projects in order to eliminate instances of non reporting of data.
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Approval of projects and activities in the blanket approval list
The Executive Committee decided to approve the projects submitted for blanket approval listed in Annex I to documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/16 and Corr.1, as amended by withdrawal of the halon project for the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/54) , with the conditions or provisos included in the corresponding project evaluation sheets, also indicated in Annex VI.  For projects for the renewal of the institutional strengthening projects, blanket approval included approval of the observations to be communicated to recipient governments indicated in Annex VII to the present report.  Specific references were made to the following projects as indicated in Decisions 42/19 - 42/24)
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Bangladesh:  National ODS phase-out plan (first tranche) (UNDP and UNEP)
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To approve, in principle, the project proposal for a national ODS phase-out plan for Bangladesh at a total level of funding of US $1,355,000 plus US $119,775 in agency support costs;
(b) Also to approve the agreement between the Government of Bangladesh and the Executive Committee contained in Annex VIII to the present report; and
(c) Further to approve a first tranche of US $155,000 plus support costs of US $11,625 for UNDP and US $90,500 plus support costs of US $11,765 for UNEP for the first annual implementation programme. 
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Jamaica:  Technical assistance umbrella project to phase out ODS solvent use (UNDP)
The Executive Committee decided to approve the above project at a total level of funding of US $25,000 and US $2,250 in agency support costs for UNDP, on the understanding that the Government of Jamaica would not seek additional funding for phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector.
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Bilateral cooperation
the Executive Committee decided to request the Treasurer to offset the costs of the bilateral projects approved at the 42nd Meeting, as follows:

(a) US $214,700 against the balance of Canada’s bilateral contributions for 2004;
(b) US $1,085,000 against the balance of France’s bilateral contributions for 2004;

(c) US $1,866,181 against the balance of Germany’s bilateral contributions for 2004, and US $918,527 against the balance for 2005 after taking into account net adjustments amounting to a total of US $15,339 to account for Decision 39/14 not previously accounted for and Decisions 40/9 and 40/24 that were accounted for twice;

(d) US $2,780,000 against the balance of Japan’s bilateral contributions for 2004;

(e) US $795,841 against the balance of Spain’s bilateral contributions for 2004;

(f) US $26,553 against the balance of Sweden’s bilateral contributions for 2004; and

(g) US $398,913 against the balance of Switzerland’s bilateral contributions for 2004.
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Institutional strengthening:Barbados, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To approve the renewal of the institutional strengthening projects for Barbados, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for one year only, at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report, on the understanding that the approvals were without prejudice to the operation of the Montreal Protocol’s mechanism dealing with non-compliance, and to express to the Governments concerned the views contained in Annex VII to the present report; and
(b) To request the Secretariat, in consultation with relevant bilateral and implementing agencies, to prepare a document for consideration at its 43rd Meeting on the potential implications of subsequently increasing the amounts approved for institutional strengthening projects, paying particular attention to the question of how many similar cases might be involved, indicating the problems faced by ozone units in very-low-volume-consuming-countries and the options for ensuring adequate capacity, including increased funding.
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Institutional strengthening: Bahamas
The Executive Committee decided to approve the renewal of the institutional strengthening project for Bahamas for the second year of the phase II project, at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/54).
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Institutional strengthening: Philippines
The Executive Committee decided to approve the renewal of the institutional strengthening project for the Philippines for one year only, at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report, on the understanding that the approval was without prejudice to the operation of the Montreal Protocol’s mechanism for dealing with non compliance, and to express to the Government of the Philippines the views contained in Annex VII to the present report (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/54)
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Argentina: National CFC phase-out plan
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To approve, in principle, the project proposal for a national phase-out plan for Argentina at a total level of funding of US $7,360,850 plus agency support costs of US $552,064 for UNIDO;
(b) Also to approve the agreement between the Government of Argentina and the Executive Committee contained in Annex IX to the present report; and
(c) Further to approve US $2,740,000 plus support costs of US $205,500 for UNIDO for the implementation of the first tranche of the national phase-out
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Côte d’Ivoire: Phase-out of the use of methyl bromide commodities and storage fumigation
The Executive Committee decided
(a) To approve the project proposal for phase-out of the use of methyl bromide commodities and storage fumigation at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report; and
(b) Also to approve the agreement between the Government of Côte d’Ivoire and the Executive Committee contained in Annex X to the present report.
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China:  ODS phase-out in China solvent sector: 2004
The Executive Committee decided to approve the 2004 annual implementation programme of the solvent sector plan for China at a cost of US $5,555,000 plus support costs for UNDP of US $416,625.
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India: CFC production sector gradual phase-out project: 2004
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To approve the 2004 annual programme of the Indian CFC production closure programme at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report;
(b) To request the Government of India and the World Bank to assist the CFC producers in reducing filling losses under the technical assistance programme funded under the production sector phase-out agreement; and
(c) Also to request the Government of India to make available to the Secretariat a copy of the assessment of the application of CFC-113 in the production of trifluoroacetic acid, once it had been completed.
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India: CTC phase-out plan for the consumption and production sectors: 2004 annual work programme
109. The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To approve the 2004 annual programme for the Indian carbon tetrachloride sector at the total level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report; and

(b) To note the verified Indian imports of carbon tetrachloride in 2001 of 23,006.94 metric tonnes, within 10 per cent of the 24,661 metric tonnes reported in the sector plan, and therefore to maintain the funding level of the sector plan unchanged.
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Mexico: Technical assistance to comply with the 2005 phase-out of 20 per cent of methyl bromide
The Executive Committee decided to approve the project proposal at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report.
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Mexico: Sector plan for phasing out the CFC-11 and CFC-12 production sector (second tranche)
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To take note of the verification report of 2003 CFC production in Mexico;

(b) To approve the 2004 work programme of the CFC production phase-out agreement with Mexico at a cost of US $10,700,000 plus US $802,500 support costs for UNIDO;

(c) To request that future verifications include greater detail about the methodology used and the specific steps undertaken;
(d) Also to request UNIDO to include in the verification team a member with a financial accounting background; and

(e) Further to request UNIDO and other implementing agencies to use actual tonnes of CFCs and other ODS produced, not tonnes sold, when recording and verifying CFC and other ODS production phase-out.
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Mexico: National CFC phase-out plan (first tranche)
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To approve, in principle, the project proposal for a national phase-out plan for Mexico at a total level of funding of US $8,794,500 plus agency support costs of US $659,588 for UNIDO;
(b) Also to approve the agreement between the Government of Mexico and the Executive Committee contained in Annex XI to the present report; and
(c) Further to approve US $3,517,000 plus support costs of US $263,775 for UNIDO for the implementation of the first tranche of the national CFC phase-out plan.
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Venezuela: National CFC phase-out plan (first tranche)
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To approve, in principle, the project proposal for a national CFC phase-out plan for Venezuela at a total level of funding of US $6,240,555 plus agency support costs of US $468,042 for UNIDO;
(b) Also to approve the agreement between the Government of Venezuela and the Executive Committee contained in Annex XII to the present report; and
(c) Further to approve US $1,895,062 plus support costs of US $142,129 for UNIDO for the implementation of the first tranche of the national phase-out plan.
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Bolivia: Terminal umbrella project for the commercial manufacturing sector
The Executive Committee decided to approve the above project proposal at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report
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Bosnia and Herzegovina: Phase-out of halon consumption
The Executive Committee decided to approve the above project proposal at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report, on the condition that upon approval of the project the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina agreed to ban the import of new halons, in accordance with the relevant guidelines
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Chile: Halon consumption phase-out: Part A: technical assistance programme; Part B: halon recycling and recovery equipment
The Executive Committee decided to approve the above project proposal at the level of funding indicated in Annex VI to the present report, on the condition that upon approval of the project the Government of Chile agreed to ban the import of new halons, in accordance with the relevant guidelines.
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India:  National CFC consumption phase-out plan focusing on the refrigeration servicing sector
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To approve, in principle, the project proposal for a national CFC consumption phase-out plan focusing on the refrigeration servicing sector for India at a total level of funding of US $6,338,120 plus agency support costs of US $757,536;

(b) Also to approve the agreement between the Government of India and the Executive Committee contained in Annex XIII to the present report; and

(c) Further to approve funding for the implementation of the first tranche of the project as follows:

(i) US $414,370 plus agency support costs of US $53,868 to the Government of Germany;
(ii) US $353,020 plus agency support costs of US $45,893 to the Government of Switzerland;
(iii) US $277,200 plus agency support costs of US $20,790 to UNDP;
(iv) US $256,300 plus agency support costs of US $33,319 to UNEP.
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Indonesia:  Phase-out of residual CFCs in the foam sector
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To approve, in principle, the amount of US $2,957,564 plus agency support costs of US $221,817 for the implementation of the project on phase-out of residual CFCs in the Indonesian foam sector based on the funding disbursement and CFC phase out schedule submitted to the 42nd Meeting of the Executive Committee (document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/34/Add.2 and Corr.1);

(b) To request the World Bank to incorporate the project, including the amounts approved in principle, into a national CFC phase out agreement (see Decision 42/39); and

(c) To approve an amount of US $100,000 for the World Bank to initiate activities essential for the implementation of the project.  The amount should be offset against the amount approved in principle for the project and accounted for in the funding disbursement schedule of the eventual CFC phase-out agreement.
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Indonesia:  National plan for phasing out the use of CFCs in the aerosol sector through a combination of policies, technical assistance, and enterprise investment initiatives
The Executive Committee decided: 
(a) To defer the national plan for phasing out the use of CFCs in the aerosol sector in Indonesia;
(b) To request the World Bank to resubmit the project proposal to a future Meeting of the Executive Committee on condition that the Government of Indonesia provide:
(i) A clarification of the division of remaining eligible CFC consumption between sectors proposed for funding (e.g., aerosol and MDIs); 
(ii) Sufficient information to establish the level of CFC consumption in the aerosol sector eligible for funding, having regard to the eligibility of the CFC-based aerosol enterprises in accordance with the rules and policies of the Multilateral Fund; which would include all necessary information about the status and the baselines of the enterprises; and
(iii) A draft national CFC phase-out agreement covering CFC phase-out in the refrigeration sector (in accordance with the agreement for phase-out of CFCs in the refrigeration sector in Indonesia, approved by the Executive Committee at its 37th Meeting), plus the project proposal for the phase-out of residual CFCs in the foam sector approved, in principle, at the 42nd Meeting of the Executive Committee and the revised national plan for phasing out the use of CFCs in the aerosol sector (see Decision 42/38).
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Sri Lanka: National compliance action plan
The Executive Committee decided: 
(a) To approve, in principle, the national compliance action plan for Sri Lanka at a funding level of US $1,015,000 plus appropriate agency support costs; and
(b) To request the bilateral and implementing agencies to continue discussions with the Government of Sri Lanka in order to finalize the agreement between the Government of Sri Lanka and the Executive Committee for submission to the 43rd Meeting of the Executive Committee.
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Reconciliation Of The 2002 Accounts of the Multilateral Fund (follow-up To Decision 41/10(b))

The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To take note of the report on reconciliation of the 2002 accounts of the Multilateral Fund (follow-up to Decision 41/10(b)) contained in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/46;

(b) To note the explanation by the Treasurer on how the following funds shown to be due to the implementing agencies were addressed in 2003, or what adjustments would be made in 2004 to provide the resources owed to the respective agencies as follows: 

(i) US $112,619 for UNEP;
(ii) US $1,169,476 for UNIDO;
(c) To request the Secretariat, on behalf of the Executive Committee, to approach the board of external auditors of the United Nations for assistance in determining the initial start-up costs for UNDP;

(d) That adjustments should be made to the inventory of approved projects to reflect the amounts indicated in the World Bank’s progress report for the projects listed in Annex III to document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/46;

(e) To request the Treasurer to complete the reconciliation of the accounts of the World Bank on the basis of audited 2002 accounts, and the accounts of UNDP on the basis of the UNDP Comptroller’s review, based on the figures derived from the reconciliation presented in documents UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/41/12 and UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/46, as well as any relevant decisions taken at the 42nd Meeting of the Executive Committee; and

(f) To urge the World Bank and UNDP to submit the information required for reconciliation as soon as possible.

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Service of the Treasurer. New agreement between UNEP and the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To approve the agreement between UNEP and the Executive Committee on the service of the Treasurer, as contained in Annex XIV to the present report, to be signed on behalf of the Executive Committee by the Chair;
(b) Also to approve an annual fee amounting to US $500,000, inclusive of annual inflation, effective 1 April 2004 continuing for the next five years, for UNEP for providing the service of the Treasurer, as indicated in Annex VI to the present report; and
(c) To request the Secretariat to ensure that the functions of Treasurer (Annex XIV) were clearly distributed between the P-4 and P-5 positions mentioned in document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/47/Rev.1.
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Service of the Treasurer. Rate of return on UNEP’s fund investments
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To take note of the information provided by UNEP on its fund investments (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/48); and
(b) To request UNEP to maximize the benefits to the Multilateral Fund and the contributing Parties when exercising its functions as Treasurer.
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Treatment/Encashment Of Promissory Notes (Follow-Up To Decision 41/4)
The Executive Committee decided:
(a) To take note of the additional information provided by the Treasurer; and
(b) To request UNEP to complete the study on the encashment of promissory notes and submit a report thereon to the Executive Committee at its 43rd Meeting.
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Report on Programme Support Costs of Bilateral Cooperation Projects (Decision 41/94(c))
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To take note of the report on programme support costs of bilateral cooperation projects (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/50);

(b) To note with appreciation the inputs from Australia, Canada, Germany, Israel, Italy, and Japan;

(c) To defer further consideration of the programme support costs of bilateral cooperation projects until its 43rd Meeting;

(d) To invite the bilateral agencies to make further submissions giving their views on the matter in order to facilitate discussion at the 43rd Meeting;  and

(e) To include in the provisional agenda of the 43rd Meeting an item entitled “Rights and obligations of bilateral agencies under the Montreal Protocol and its Multilateral Fund”.
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Country programme: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
The Executive Committee decided to approve the country programme update for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/51), noting that approval of the country programme update did not denote approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding levels.
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Country Programme: Mongolia
The Executive Committee decided to approve the country programme update for Mongolia (UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/42/52), noting that approval of the country programme update did not denote approval of the projects identified therein nor their funding levels
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Terms Of Reference Of The Executive Committee (Follow-Up To Decision 41/1)
The Executive Committee decided to request the Chair, on behalf of the Executive Committee, to enter into consultations with the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Executive Director of UNEP, the United Nations Office of Human Resources Management, and the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, regarding the terms of reference of the Executive Committee and the legal and administrative implications related to this matter, and to report to the Committee at a future meeting. 
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Methyl bromide projects for early phase-out by Article 5 Parties
The Executive Committee decided:

(a) To request the Multilateral Fund Secretariat to prepare for the 43rd Meeting of the Executive Committee, an appropriate document covering updated status of the implementation of approved projects for accelerated phase-out of methyl bromide, based on available information in the Secretariat and relevant bilateral and implementing agencies;

(b) To invite Executive Committee Members to submit to the Secretariat, by 30 April 2004, their comments on the implementation of decision Ex.I/2 of the Parties; and

(c) To consider, at its 43rd Meeting, the need to establish a contact group to consider the paper prepared by the Secretariat and any submission by the Executive Committee Members.
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Dates and venues for the 43rd and 44th Meetings of the Executive Committee
The Dates and venues for the 43rd and 44th Meetings of the Executive CommitteeExecutive Committee decided to hold its 43rd Meeting in Geneva from 5 to 9 July 2004.