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Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Help and How-to >  Formulas and functions >  Math and trigonometry
ROMAN function
ROMAN function

Converts an arabic numeral to roman, as text.



Number   is the arabic numeral you want converted.

Form   is a number specifying the type of roman numeral you want. The roman numeral style ranges from Classic to Simplified, becoming more concise as the value of form increases. See the example ROMAN(499,0) below.

Form Type
0 or omitted Classic.
1 More concise. See example below.
2 More concise. See example below.
3 More concise. See example below.
4 Simplified.
TRUE Classic.
FALSE Simplified.


  • If number is negative, the #VALUE! error value is returned.
  • If number is greater than 3999, the #VALUE! error value is returned.


Formula Description (Result)
=ROMAN(499,0) Classic roman numeral style for 499 (CDXCIX)
=ROMAN(499,1) More concise version for 499 (LDVLIV)
=ROMAN(499,2) More concise version for 499 (XDIX)
=ROMAN(499,3) More concise version for 499 (VDIV)
=ROMAN(499,4) More concise version for 499 (ID)
=ROMAN(2013,0) Classic roman numeral style for 2013 (MMXIII)